Journey to elseware

Using lines, shapes and colors to communicate and record significant events and daily life preceded the use of the written word (and social media) by millennia. “Art” was a simple, spontaneous, straightforward tool that was “read” and understood across barriers of time and space. 

These days, studies show that creating art stimulates the release of dopamine, the “feel good” natural hormone.  Our collection of simple, natural art supplies encourages you to release judgment and self-criticism, enhance tranquility and repose, cultivate a receptive, engaged mind and ease into “flow” to restore a sense of well-being. 

Create a personal itinerary as you journey to elseware. No roadmap, no GPS, no one-way streets. Take the slow lane, meander along the scenic route, invite possibilities, release expectations, welcome accidents. 



elseware, our new line of natural, simple, supplies designed to activate your right brain, was founded by artist Roxanne Quimby.  Roxanne graduated from San Francisco Art Institute with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a concentration in painting.  After graduating she went on to create an art department at a local community center for emotionally/developmentally challenged adults.  The ensuing unique, non-verbal expression of these adults was inspiring and convinced Roxanne that painting and drawing were useful tools for re-setting a busy mind and enjoying a sense of oneness and repose.  She invites you to enjoy the elseware selection of her favorite products and embark on your journey to the self.

Roxanne is co-founder of Burt’s Bees, and currently president of eco kids and elseware.